Using Markdown in 11ty
Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to create formatted text using plain text syntax. It is easy to read and write and is often used with 11ty.
Pages using markdown are the same as html pages, they use the same front matter, but the content is written in markdown. The file extension is .md
Markdown configuration
In this starter, 11ty is parsing markdown with markdown-it
to generate the html pages. The configuration for markdown-it
is in eleventy.js
const mdit = require('markdown-it')
const mditAttrs = require('markdown-it-attrs');
const mditHighlight = require('markdown-it-highlightjs');
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
const mditOptions = {
html: true,
breaks: true,
linkify: true,
typographer: true,
const mdLib = mdit(mditOptions).use(mditAttrs).use(mditHighlight, { inline: true }).disable('code')
eleventyConfig.setLibrary('md', mdLib)
accepts additional plugins that help markdown meet your needs.
The following plugins are included in the default configuration:
This plugin allows you to use attributes in markdown syntax. For example, {.logo}
will output image.png
, alt="image"
and class="logo"
in the html.
Some examples are available in Add HTML classes to 11ty markdown content.
This plugin allows you to highlight code in markdown syntax. For example, ```javascript
will output <pre><code class="language-javascript"></code></pre>
in the html.
The highlights use a theme which is added in a css in the src/_assets/public/css/highlightjs.css
Other themes are available in the highlight.js example page
nunjucks code in Markdown
Markdown may be limited to achieve some of the custom rendering. To solve this you can include some nunjucks code inside markdown. You can read a few examples of this powerful solution in Custom Markdown Components in 11ty.
On the other end, this is not possible to directly add nunjucks code quotes in markdown code blocks. To make this possible, you need to change the template engine from nunjucks to markdown, adding templateEngineOverride
in the front matter of the page you want to add the nunjucks code.
templateEngineOverride: md # for when you have njk in code blocks
This is explained in detail in Eleventy: Escaping Nunjucks Statements in Markdown Code Blocks
Note that this option is not added in the default pages when they are created by the CMS.
Markdown is not known to be flexible with styling images, but you find a workaround for most of your wishes. There is an extensive blog post about the matter in How to Style Images With Markdown.
Responsive images
Markdown images are automatically redered as responsive. A specific chapter on responsive images explains how this 11ty starter manages responsive images.